Command Utility Access/Retrieval System

Basic Purpose

At its most basic level, CUARS reads a filesystem using Python's os module and presents it to the user in a window of specified size. The user has the option to select the file, after which they can view or execute it. Files may be viewed in ASCII or binary mode. CUARS thus provides a basic user interface that can navigate a computer, view files, and execute scripts even when there is no standard-size monitor present.

Advanced Purpose

CUARS will also provide a submodule format. If it detects that a file is a Python submodule, it can load that submodule as an interface. The submodule could, for example, control a music player backend while providing the user with playback controls and media information.

Minimal User Interface

CUARS is being designed for physical user interfaces that are typically attached to embedded devices like Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black. It should fit screens as small or smaller than 160x120 pixels. It will accept user interaction from touch screens or even 2-button interfaces.


Example Interface Module

Colors (Web)